How to Bug Proof Your Home in Memphis and Germantown
September 09, 2024
It’s that wonderful time of year again when you can’t wait to get outside, and insects can’t wait to get in!
You know the routine – as soon as the temperature begins to warm bugs come out from their winter hiding places and tend to get very busy. They become obsessed in their search for food and water and they certainly don’t need a formal invitation to come to your house for dinner. This is why experts recommend doing some “do-it-yourself “insect proofing” as part of your spring-cleaning regimen. Here are some tips you’ll want to consider if you want to keep those unwanted guests at bay:
- The best offense is an outside defense! Bugs live outside and it’s best to keep them there. Keep on the lookout for all those places insects tend to live, hide and breed. Likely places include woodpiles – these are notorious for harboring ants and termites. Experts suggest you store firewood at least 20 feet from your house. Also, clean up any leafy debris around the yard or up against your foundation walls. And while you’re there look for cracks or holes in your foundation and seal any you find.
- Repair door and window screens. The most direct way for flying insects to join you for dinner is to buzz right in! Be sure you check all existing screens for even the smallest of tears because even the tiniest hole can become a main entry point. And if you don’t have screens, by all means, install them.
- Check the seals around doors. The rule of thumb is that if light can get in, so can insects. Thresholds should be tight fitting and door sweeps should be set at the right heights. Use caulk to fill in any gaps caused by settling.
- Get rid of standing water. Any source of moisture will attract bugs – especially mosquitoes. Be sure to empty anything that holds water, including plant trays, catch basins, play sets, and fire pits. And if you have birdbaths in the yard remember to clean them out and re-fill them frequently.
- Wash out your trash bins. Trash bins collect bugs as well as trash. Leftover food scraps and sticky residues act like a “dinner bell” attracting all kinds of insects and critters. Once you bring those bins back into your home you’ve just provided convenient transportation for all of them. Be sure to rinse out all of your trash bins frequently and scrub them clean at least once a month.
While scouring your property for bug villas, take a moment to check for areas of grass that are unusually damp and spongy, especially if the rest of your lawn is dry. That could be a sign of a crack and leak in your sewer line, and that spells bigger trouble than simply more bugs to deal with. If you even suspect a problem with your sewer or drain lines, contact Conway Services for fast response and expert results.